连续时间过程随机控制中的一个根本假设是底层(扩散)过程的动态是已知的。然而,这通常在实践中显然没有实现。另一方面,在过去几十年中,已经开发出用于连续时间过程的漂移(和波动性)的非参数估计的丰富理论。本文的目的是将随机控制的技术与来自随机过程的统计方法一起带来的技术,以便在同一时间找到以合理的方式学习底层过程的动态。更确切地说,我们研究了长期平均脉冲控制问题,是古典福斯曼木材采伐问题的随机版本。立即出现的问题之一是探索 - 剥削困境,因为机器学习中的问题众所周知。我们建议通过以合适的方式结合勘探和剥削期间来处理这个问题。我们的主要发现是,这种结构可以基于估算器的收敛率,以实现不变的密度。使用此项,我们获得平均累积遗憾是统一的订单$ O({T ^ { - 1/3})$。
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Automatic Image Cropping is a challenging task with many practical downstream applications. The task is often divided into sub-problems - generating cropping candidates, finding the visually important regions, and determining aesthetics to select the most appealing candidate. Prior approaches model one or more of these sub-problems separately, and often combine them sequentially. We propose a novel convolutional neural network (CNN) based method to crop images directly, without explicitly modeling image aesthetics, evaluating multiple crop candidates, or detecting visually salient regions. Our model is trained on a large dataset of images cropped by experienced editors and can simultaneously predict bounding boxes for multiple fixed aspect ratios. We consider the aspect ratio of the cropped image to be a critical factor that influences aesthetics. Prior approaches for automatic image cropping, did not enforce the aspect ratio of the outputs, likely due to a lack of datasets for this task. We, therefore, benchmark our method on public datasets for two related tasks - first, aesthetic image cropping without regard to aspect ratio, and second, thumbnail generation that requires fixed aspect ratio outputs, but where aesthetics are not crucial. We show that our strategy is competitive with or performs better than existing methods in both these tasks. Furthermore, our one-stage model is easier to train and significantly faster than existing two-stage or end-to-end methods for inference. We present a qualitative evaluation study, and find that our model is able to generalize to diverse images from unseen datasets and often retains compositional properties of the original images after cropping. Our results demonstrate that explicitly modeling image aesthetics or visual attention regions is not necessarily required to build a competitive image cropping algorithm.
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Information extraction from scholarly articles is a challenging task due to the sizable document length and implicit information hidden in text, figures, and citations. Scholarly information extraction has various applications in exploration, archival, and curation services for digital libraries and knowledge management systems. We present MORTY, an information extraction technique that creates structured summaries of text from scholarly articles. Our approach condenses the article's full-text to property-value pairs as a segmented text snippet called structured summary. We also present a sizable scholarly dataset combining structured summaries retrieved from a scholarly knowledge graph and corresponding publicly available scientific articles, which we openly publish as a resource for the research community. Our results show that structured summarization is a suitable approach for targeted information extraction that complements other commonly used methods such as question answering and named entity recognition.
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Many scientific domains gather sufficient labels to train machine algorithms through human-in-the-loop techniques provided by the Zooniverse.org citizen science platform. As the range of projects, task types and data rates increase, acceleration of model training is of paramount concern to focus volunteer effort where most needed. The application of Transfer Learning (TL) between Zooniverse projects holds promise as a solution. However, understanding the effectiveness of TL approaches that pretrain on large-scale generic image sets vs. images with similar characteristics possibly from similar tasks is an open challenge. We apply a generative segmentation model on two Zooniverse project-based data sets: (1) to identify fat droplets in liver cells (FatChecker; FC) and (2) the identification of kelp beds in satellite images (Floating Forests; FF) through transfer learning from the first project. We compare and contrast its performance with a TL model based on the COCO image set, and subsequently with baseline counterparts. We find that both the FC and COCO TL models perform better than the baseline cases when using >75% of the original training sample size. The COCO-based TL model generally performs better than the FC-based one, likely due to its generalized features. Our investigations provide important insights into usage of TL approaches on multi-domain data hosted across different Zooniverse projects, enabling future projects to accelerate task completion.
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Natural laws are often described through differential equations yet finding a differential equation that describes the governing law underlying observed data is a challenging and still mostly manual task. In this paper we make a step towards the automation of this process: we propose a transformer-based sequence-to-sequence model that recovers scalar autonomous ordinary differential equations (ODEs) in symbolic form from time-series data of a single observed solution of the ODE. Our method is efficiently scalable: after one-time pretraining on a large set of ODEs, we can infer the governing laws of a new observed solution in a few forward passes of the model. Then we show that our model performs better or on par with existing methods in various test cases in terms of accurate symbolic recovery of the ODE, especially for more complex expressions.
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Recent 3D-based manipulation methods either directly predict the grasp pose using 3D neural networks, or solve the grasp pose using similar objects retrieved from shape databases. However, the former faces generalizability challenges when testing with new robot arms or unseen objects; and the latter assumes that similar objects exist in the databases. We hypothesize that recent 3D modeling methods provides a path towards building digital replica of the evaluation scene that affords physical simulation and supports robust manipulation algorithm learning. We propose to reconstruct high-quality meshes from real-world point clouds using state-of-the-art neural surface reconstruction method (the Real2Sim step). Because most simulators take meshes for fast simulation, the reconstructed meshes enable grasp pose labels generation without human efforts. The generated labels can train grasp network that performs robustly in the real evaluation scene (the Sim2Real step). In synthetic and real experiments, we show that the Real2Sim2Real pipeline performs better than baseline grasp networks trained with a large dataset and a grasp sampling method with retrieval-based reconstruction. The benefit of the Real2Sim2Real pipeline comes from 1) decoupling scene modeling and grasp sampling into sub-problems, and 2) both sub-problems can be solved with sufficiently high quality using recent 3D learning algorithms and mesh-based physical simulation techniques.
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